Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why ISIS Is Not, In Fact, Islamic

Why ISIS Is Not, In Fact, Islamic

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Barack Obama

Conservatives reacted harshly to President Obama’s claim on Wednesday night that the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) “is not Islamic,” accusing the commander-in-chief of naiveté and ignorance. “What kindergartner briefs the President on terrorism?” Ron Christie, a GOP strategist tweeted. “ISIS says it’s Islamic, lots of people say it’s Islamic, only the president won’t,” George Will told Fox News shortly after the speech.

But the full context of Obama’s remark points to an important distinction between Islam and the extremist ideology that’s sweeping parts of Iraq and Syria. “No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim,” Obama said. “ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.”

Indeed, even from the viewpoint of a casual observer, ISIS is an abomination to Islam. Explosions tend to capture the media’s attention more than peaceful coexistence, and a minuscule minority of extremist groups claiming to be Islamic have exploited this fact as a way to reinvent Islam as a “violent” religion. But just because you shout God’s name while committing murder doesn’t make your actions righteous. Islam, as millions of Muslims can attest, is a peaceful religion that calls on its followers to choose community over conflict, or, as it says in Surah al-Hujurat of the Qur’an (49:13): “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise [each other]).”

But ISIS clearly has little regard for this or other fundamental tenets of Islam. They have sparked the rage of Iraqi Muslims by carelessly blowing up copies of the Qur’an, and they have killed their fellow Muslims, be they Sunni or Shia. Even extremist Muslims who engage in warfare have strict rules of engagement and prohibitions against harming women and children, but ISIS has opted to ignore even this by slaughtering innocent youth and using rape and sexual slavery as a weapon.

And despite the conservative backlash, Obama’s analysis has received support from an unlikely voice: Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). During an appearance on Fox News’ Hannity, the potential 2016 presidential candidate, praised the president for differentiating ISIS ideology from the beliefs of Muslims in America and around the world. “Well, I think there was one important point that he was making about them not being Islamic or a form of true Islam,” he said. “I think it is important not only to the American public but for the world and the Islamic world to point out this is not a true form of Islam. This is an aberrant form that should not represent most of the civilized Islamic world.”

Granted, it’s always a tricky business decrying a religious tradition that is not your own. Also, while many faiths have internal hierarchies with judges that decide what is or isn’t proper behavior, Islam is a decentralized religious tradition that — as much as ISIS claims otherwise — lacks a single religious authority. But just as the diverse collective of Protestant Christians listen to each another, the opinion of a broader Islamic community always matters, and President Obama’s condemnation of ISIS is backed up by a global chorus of Muslim voices that are working to rebuke’s the group’s claim on Islam. Virtually every single American Muslim organization has publicly disavowed both the ideology and the practices of ISIS, and just hours before Obama’s address, dozens of Muslim American clerics and community leaders distanced their religion from the beliefs of the terrorist extremists. “ISIS and al Qaeda represent a warped religious ideology,” Faizal Khan, imam of the Islamic Society of America mosque in Silver Spring, said during a press conference with Muslim-American leaders from Indonesia, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Sudan and Trinidad.
“Either we reject this violence in the clearest possible terms, or we allow them to become the face of Islam and the world’s perception of us for years to come.”
Countless Islamic groups around the globe have also vehemently rejected ISIS. French Imams are blasting the militant group from their pulpits. Britian’s largest Mosque has declared them “Un-Islamic.” Sunni and Shia clerics in Iraq have distributed a fatwa to nearly 50,000 mosques announcing that ISIS is “not in any way linked to [the Muslim] faith” and warning that failing to stand up against the group is effectively a sin. Even Egypt’s Grand Mufti has lambasted the group, and Dar al-Ifta, one of the most influential Muslim schools in the world, has launched a global campaign to strike the word “Islamic” from ISIS’s title, seeking to rebrand it as “al-Qaeda Separatists in Iraq and Syria,” or QSIS, saying the organization has “tarnished image of Islam across the globe.”
As one Libyan tweeted: “If you think Muslims aren’t condemning ISIS, it’s not because Muslims aren’t condemning ISIS. It’s because you’re not listening to Muslims.”

This issue, of course, isn’t unique to Islam. The Ku Klux Klan burns crosses and preaches hate in the name of Jesus Christ, and the ostensibly Christian “Lord’s Resistance Army” regularly ravages villages and recruits child soldiers in Western Africa. Hindu extremists burned mosques and sparked violence in India in the 1990s. Buddhist extremists exist, and are spewing hatred in several parts of Asia. But in all of these cases, the vast majority of believers worked or are working to disavow the actions of fanatics and preserve the core, peaceful principles of their faith — just as Muslims are now doing with ISIS.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not one is or isn’t religious is left up to God. But we are all tasked with religious life here on earth, where the opinion of a religious community should matter, and Muslims the world over have made their position clear: No matter how many people they kill to gain power, how many fellow Muslims they terrorize into submission, or how loudly they scream their self-righteous blasphemy to the heavens, ISIS is not — nor will ever be — Islamic.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The 5th ESTATE


America’s right-wing creationist moralizing bible thumpers cling tenaciously to primitive religious convictions.  In practice this is not much better than the higher cultural levels of Cro-Magnon men of 25,000 years ago.  At least there was agreement at that time to band together to kill a hairy mammoth to eat.
Today there is a blockade of Congress by the religious right that is against helping millions of Americans near starvation daily.
What is it about religion in prehistoric and primitive cultures that is clearly seen in the behavior of the Teaparty Creationist Republicans?  Going backwards in time, social anthropologists have concluded that religion is a product of the earliest attempts of the human mind to achieve a sense of security in a very tenuous existence.
Neanderthals’ who flourished 100,000 to 25,000 years ago, before the times of Cro-Magnon men, left definite evidence of their religious practices in their graves.  Primitive man had no resources to explain the mysterious realities of natural forces – so turned to explanations that allowed him to locate himself in the midst of everything that was confounding to achieve a sense of security.  Bear cults and the worship of animals, animism, were among the earliest precursors of creationism.  And sacrificial victims to appease the spirit-powers had developed.
By the time Cro-Magnons appeared in the higher cultural levels of the Stone Age, religion had become more sophisticated, as Cro-Magnons had turned to belief in magic to assure future success.  And one pervading characteristic of religion in primitive people was that they were so personally identified with the group or community to which they belonged (like members of the Teapublicans) that they almost never fell back on their own private judgment regarding what may be termed public matters – (like voting in lockstep against the public good).
The common features of Primitive Religions are the same common features today:

  1. Recognition of the sacred
     – a sense of holy mystery, awe, reverence, and devote “fear of the lord.”  (…/what-is-an-evangeli … Cached : National Association of Evangelicals. Evangelicals take the Bible seriously and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The term “evangelical” comes from the Greek word euangelion, meaning …
  2. Expression of anxiety in ritual – provides comfort and reassurance, as well as binding the individuals participating to a rigid adherence to continuation with the threat that failing to do so will result in terrible consequences - › … ›Denominations › Christian Doctrines . Cached . Similar . by Mary Fairchild – in 1,091 Google+ circles . Definition: “Speaking in Tongues” is one of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit referred to in 1 Corinthians 12:4-10. “Glossolalia” is the most commonly …
  3.  Inextricable intermingling of religion and magic – religion appeared when magic failed, (Lessa and Vogt, Reader in Comparative Religion) really? . Similar . Do you need a miracle or healing? Agree with Rev. Ernest Angley in prayer and receive your miracle or
  4. Belief in mana – belief in the occult force or spirits.  Like – the “holy ghost.”‎ The Bible Answers Your Key Questions. Receive a Free Booklet! The Kingdom of GodThe True Gospel . Original Christianity . Telecast
  5. Veneration and worship of spirits – see #4
  6. Recognition of high gods – a supreme being.  From anthropologists we understand it is common among many primitive groups to find a god far up in the sky who made everything:  man, earth, sea and sky; who sees everything, sometime disapproves but does not interferre.
  7. Sacrifice – Clearly the Teapublicans are willing to kill Congress to reduce the size of government so their shamans – the Kochs etal – can further their power and wealth.  (See:
  8. 8.      Mythology – This is universal among man, and certain myths have persisted for thousands of decades.  The original happening:
Get the parallels?
Evidence about Cro-Magnons has shown it appears that each man made personal choices acting in the restricted sphere of his private life.  There is evidence that primitives while not being analytical or logical were capable of inductive and deductive reasoning to provide order within their own personal existence.  The exceptions were the atypical individuals – geniuses and talented eccentrics who, in rare instances, added new paths which expanded the range of thought and actions.  However, on the whole, anthropologists have concluded that traditions and customs were closely followed.  From this knowledge it is obvious why belief in “intelligent design” is still followed by 50% of the globe’s inhabitants -
“Old habits die hard” – like religion driven ignorance: Cached .. Dec 3, 2007 – Some conditions (addictions, for example) may appear to be “cured”, but are only waiting to resurface. “Old habits die hard” means that you must …
So for all who wonder how the Christian Creationist-religious right “wingers”  want to subvert and crash our Republic; and are confounded by their grotesque ignorance and lack of concern for the common good by all the intelligent design believers who do not acknowledge why America’s founding fathers believed in the “Separation of Church and State”  — this is it. 
Faith-based is code for being a moralizing bible thumper relying on Stone Age thought to feel more secure about the insecure nature of life.  When the most important thing is to be on a path to be a compassionate, empathic flexible thinker without prejudice,  who is  concerned enough about their neighbors’ problems to find some self-interest in the common good.   The rest is an excuse to remain in a coma of mental rigor mortis to maintain an illusion of security to be found in ignorance by the ignorant.
(you can also refer to Man’s Religions, by John Noss


The 5th Estate


There is a tension between static Islam and dynamic.  This has been growing geometrically since the mid-1950s as the world became less isolated in the aftermath of WWII and the growth of mass communications.  And now it is self-evident there is a drive to create a new Caliphate in the model of the one created by Muhammad’s blood bath of brutality to spread Islam in the 7th Century.  The Islamic model set forth by ISIS and Hamas does not care about any human life – including Muslims who can get to heaven as human shields or as suicide bombers; or anyone not following the Koran to the letter of the laws given to Muhammad by Allah.  The Koran’s mandates (sets forth as law) that all infidels, non-believers, must be killed by all true believers’/followers to get into heaven.  (So as an English speaking American infidel I will not spell the Koran – Qur-an.)
Never in human history or evolution has change been so swift as it has since the Industrial Revolution and the geometric advances in science.   And never before in the history of any of the world’s major religions has there been such a stark difference between the past and the present as in Islam.
To the Muslim Islam is the word of god directly from Muhammad, and the Koran is the most didactic,  war-like and rigid bible of all.  Therefore the most subject to rigid and zealous religious practice.  Practice is distinct from interpretation.  All religions have factions that practice fundamental rigid interpretations; but no religion other than Islam calls for, actually sets forth as Islamic law, the destruction of all non-believers as an act of faith and the path to heaven.
Islam is the religion of God; and in Islam the world has no choice but to obey how God/Allah has ordained the proper path to follow.  In some religions man has the free will to be conscious and free, but not in Islam.  Allah’s path to heaven in static Islam is compulsory – not subject to interpretation.  If you compare the Koran with other bibles you it is self-evident the Koran is particularly and brutally nasty.
Muhammad, in Islam, was the last of the true Prophets.  Muhammad by binding himself to the prophets before him created instant legitimacy to his role as the “last of the true prophets.”  The previous prophets – Abraham, Moses and Jesus were messengers of God whose followers became corrupted (in the views of Muhammad – who should be considered the author of the Koran if you want to be rational).  Muhammad’s Koran addressed the major blunder of the prior prophet’s scriptures which did not stipulate that God’s commands were a universal message for all mankind. The Koran corrected the flaw that scriptures before the Koran applied only to specific secular followers.
Therefore, any edict or law in the Koran applied to everyone.  And anyone not rigidly following the Koran was subject to death.  This is a fundamental distinction between other religions and is not subject to interpretation, because it is a direct mandate and Islamic Law.
Dealing with Islamic Extremists today depends on understanding and acknowledging that the driving force behind Islamic Fundamental Extremists is the Koran’s mandate/laws to kill all infidels that do not convert or follow the rigid path proscribed by the Koran.  Further it is critical to recognize the rigid path proscribed by fundamentalist Mullahs is based on the 7th Century value judgments of Muhammad as interpreted by the Mullahs.
Because Islam bound itself to the first of God’s prophets Islam then existed from all eternity.  The failures of man’s behavior resulting from free will were addressed by God in his final laws to man through Muhammad.  The fatal flaw in Christianity was that followers took to worshipping the messenger in steading heading the message.  (Certainly this is clear in the case of the creationist Christian Teapublicans and why the message has become so obscure – in the event you believe in charity, and loving your neighbor.)
The final laws set forth in the Koran were crystal clear mandates to kill all non-believers, all infidels which provided motivation to follow Muhammad and 3rd party influence for Muhammad followers to not think independently.   And these repetitive mandates from on High provided a recipe and continuing ethic for murder to achieve a universal path to live by, a path that would lead to heaven and God’s acceptance.
The crazed mumblings recently heard on the news from interviews of ISIS staunch followers of Allah make it self-evident how well the primitive Islamic era which began in 622 A.D. has survived untouched by time or reason.
In Islam it is held that man is incapable through his own efforts of discerning what is right and wrong; hence the raison d’etre for rigid zealot devotion for following what Allah “relayed to Muhammad” in the Koran.  To avoid man’s perversity for failing the teachings of the prophets before Muhammad – Muhammad kicked off the teachings of the Koran with a horrific blood bath to bring the word of Allah and the Koran public and he swept through much of the known world killing and beheading all infidels.  (The Christian Crusades were a response to the blood baths of Muhammad, and not less brutal.)
Religion is Man’s most persistent primitive trait and its most self-destructive.  We can only hope the present will replace the past and humanity will rethink the present in terms of what makes sense for now; which is to stop following 7th Century mandates to destroy all infidels, and to stop following creation myths.  It is time to come together as fellow humans – what a strange thought.
The etiology of Islamic tension makes it manifestly apparent why it will not fade away – just as the primitive nature of other world religions has continued to persist.  At least the others have morphed in practice into more concern for humanity.