Tuesday, September 2, 2014


The 5th Estate


There is a tension between static Islam and dynamic.  This has been growing geometrically since the mid-1950s as the world became less isolated in the aftermath of WWII and the growth of mass communications.  And now it is self-evident there is a drive to create a new Caliphate in the model of the one created by Muhammad’s blood bath of brutality to spread Islam in the 7th Century.  The Islamic model set forth by ISIS and Hamas does not care about any human life – including Muslims who can get to heaven as human shields or as suicide bombers; or anyone not following the Koran to the letter of the laws given to Muhammad by Allah.  The Koran’s mandates (sets forth as law) that all infidels, non-believers, must be killed by all true believers’/followers to get into heaven.  (So as an English speaking American infidel I will not spell the Koran – Qur-an.)
Never in human history or evolution has change been so swift as it has since the Industrial Revolution and the geometric advances in science.   And never before in the history of any of the world’s major religions has there been such a stark difference between the past and the present as in Islam.
To the Muslim Islam is the word of god directly from Muhammad, and the Koran is the most didactic,  war-like and rigid bible of all.  Therefore the most subject to rigid and zealous religious practice.  Practice is distinct from interpretation.  All religions have factions that practice fundamental rigid interpretations; but no religion other than Islam calls for, actually sets forth as Islamic law, the destruction of all non-believers as an act of faith and the path to heaven.
Islam is the religion of God; and in Islam the world has no choice but to obey how God/Allah has ordained the proper path to follow.  In some religions man has the free will to be conscious and free, but not in Islam.  Allah’s path to heaven in static Islam is compulsory – not subject to interpretation.  If you compare the Koran with other bibles you it is self-evident the Koran is particularly and brutally nasty.
Muhammad, in Islam, was the last of the true Prophets.  Muhammad by binding himself to the prophets before him created instant legitimacy to his role as the “last of the true prophets.”  The previous prophets – Abraham, Moses and Jesus were messengers of God whose followers became corrupted (in the views of Muhammad – who should be considered the author of the Koran if you want to be rational).  Muhammad’s Koran addressed the major blunder of the prior prophet’s scriptures which did not stipulate that God’s commands were a universal message for all mankind. The Koran corrected the flaw that scriptures before the Koran applied only to specific secular followers.
Therefore, any edict or law in the Koran applied to everyone.  And anyone not rigidly following the Koran was subject to death.  This is a fundamental distinction between other religions and is not subject to interpretation, because it is a direct mandate and Islamic Law.
Dealing with Islamic Extremists today depends on understanding and acknowledging that the driving force behind Islamic Fundamental Extremists is the Koran’s mandate/laws to kill all infidels that do not convert or follow the rigid path proscribed by the Koran.  Further it is critical to recognize the rigid path proscribed by fundamentalist Mullahs is based on the 7th Century value judgments of Muhammad as interpreted by the Mullahs.
Because Islam bound itself to the first of God’s prophets Islam then existed from all eternity.  The failures of man’s behavior resulting from free will were addressed by God in his final laws to man through Muhammad.  The fatal flaw in Christianity was that followers took to worshipping the messenger in steading heading the message.  (Certainly this is clear in the case of the creationist Christian Teapublicans and why the message has become so obscure – in the event you believe in charity, and loving your neighbor.)
The final laws set forth in the Koran were crystal clear mandates to kill all non-believers, all infidels which provided motivation to follow Muhammad and 3rd party influence for Muhammad followers to not think independently.   And these repetitive mandates from on High provided a recipe and continuing ethic for murder to achieve a universal path to live by, a path that would lead to heaven and God’s acceptance.
The crazed mumblings recently heard on the news from interviews of ISIS staunch followers of Allah make it self-evident how well the primitive Islamic era which began in 622 A.D. has survived untouched by time or reason.
In Islam it is held that man is incapable through his own efforts of discerning what is right and wrong; hence the raison d’etre for rigid zealot devotion for following what Allah “relayed to Muhammad” in the Koran.  To avoid man’s perversity for failing the teachings of the prophets before Muhammad – Muhammad kicked off the teachings of the Koran with a horrific blood bath to bring the word of Allah and the Koran public and he swept through much of the known world killing and beheading all infidels.  (The Christian Crusades were a response to the blood baths of Muhammad, and not less brutal.)
Religion is Man’s most persistent primitive trait and its most self-destructive.  We can only hope the present will replace the past and humanity will rethink the present in terms of what makes sense for now; which is to stop following 7th Century mandates to destroy all infidels, and to stop following creation myths.  It is time to come together as fellow humans – what a strange thought.
The etiology of Islamic tension makes it manifestly apparent why it will not fade away – just as the primitive nature of other world religions has continued to persist.  At least the others have morphed in practice into more concern for humanity.

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